- Scanning of all documents so they can be viewed from their computer
- E-mail, which allows for instant and documented communication
- Text Messaging, which allows for quick access for clients any where, any time
- Case Management Software, which allows a myriad of efficiencies such as viewing a case and all communications from any computer, scheduling, sequencing of work on the schedule, access to all contacts, document merger, reminder systems, etc.
- Document Merger, which allows attorneys to instantaneously draft complicated documents without the use of secretaries or allows paralegals and secretaries to instantaneously draft documents for quick attorney review
- Remote Access which allows access to all firm computer information from home, or anywhere else
- iPhones and iPads, which allow for instant and constant communication
- Cloud Storage, which facilitates access to all documents and communications remotely
- Computerized Research which allows for quick research and research at remote locations or in court
- Modern phone and voice mail systems, which reduce staff expense and allow for communication through voice mail.


Chinn & Associates