- Unemployment. In the 70's male unemployment varied little by class or education, but in 2010 the unemployment rate for college graduates was 4.6% compared to 10.3% for those without college degrees.
- Earnings. In 1997 males who did not graduate from high school earned 70% of what they earned in 1973. College graduate income increased and more jobs required a college degree.
- Marriage and Divorce. Men without a college degree marry less than men with degrees, and the divorce rate is substantially higher.
- Female Divorce Rate. For those marrying between 1990 and 1994, 47% of women without a high school diploma divorced within 10 years, compared to 37% for high school graduates and only 16% for college graduates.
- Birth Outside Marriage. In 1950 only 4% of children were born to an unwed mother. In 2007, 39.7%. From 1997 to 2001 93% of women with college degrees who gave birth were married, compared to 57% of mothers who were high school graduates and 39% of mothers who did not finish high school.


Chinn & Associates