Is voting for Hillary (or Donald) grounds for divorce?

two people facing away from each otherOn a late-night conservative talk show, the host solicited “confessions” from voting viewers. One of the viewers wrote that he told his wife that if she voted for Hillary it would be grounds for divorce. That might be true in all states except the state of Mississippi. All states except the state of Mississippi allow for no-fault divorce. This would allow the voting viewer to divorce his wife if she voted for Hillary. However, in Mississippi, there is no “no-fault” divorce, so a person must have either agreement from the other spouse or what we call “fault grounds.” The closest fault grounds of voting for Hillary would be “habitual cruel and inhuman treatment.” The standard is to show that the conduct “endangers life, limb, or health, or creates a reasonable apprehension of danger thereto, thereby rendering the continuance of the marital relation unsafe for the offending spouse, or such unnatural and infamous conduct as would make the marital relation revolting to the on offending spouse and render it impossible for him or her, as the case may be, to discharge the duties thereof.” The wife who votes for Hillary in Mississippi is safe from divorce, but maybe she would want one anyway if her husband is going to threaten her like that!
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